In addition to cash and check AT the event site you can now purchase tickets IN ADVANCE using this GoFan Link!
Come out and support your team!
In addition to cash and check AT the event site you can now purchase tickets IN ADVANCE using this GoFan Link!
Come out and support your team!
Baseball Coaches:
To help improve player safety and arm care for baseball players, it has been approved by the ACAA Athletic Committee that starting December 15-January 15 players may begin throwing long toss and arm care routines. This will be limited to 20 to 30 minutes per day/ 3 or 4 days a week. This change in throwing date is to help encourage more pitchers and to better suit teams to comply with this year’s adopted pitching rules and pitch count.
Due to increase in pricing for officials and game management, the pricing for student (1st-12th grades) tickets will raise to $5.
Adult prices are $10 and Student prices are $5.
This price change can immediately be put into effect.
All coaches are required to have a concussion certificate on file at the ACAA office. These certificates are good for 3 years and should be resubmitted when they expire. Please use the link to complete the training and email a certificate when completed to Pam Cason at [email protected].